Full Root Access
SSD NVMe Disk Drives
A solid-state drive (SSD) is a new generation of storage device used in computers. SSDs replace traditional mechanical hard disks.
99.99% Uptime
Our business-class track record means some of the industry’s best uptime performance. We’re so confident in our infrastructure, 99% uptime guarantee.
Cheap PHP Hosting
The most affordable price to run a PHP application. You can save hundreds of dollars per month when you compare our prices with another hosting companies.
Scalable DDR5 RAM
Growing quickly? Start with 1GB of RAM and easily scale up, quickly and effortlessly from within your VPS control panel, just let us know when you need it.
Unlimited Bandwidth
There are no limits on the amount of traffic your hosting site or app can receive. Unlimited traffic is free and applies to both incoming and outgoing data.
Custom PHP server
Customize your PHP web server based on your application needs. Pick your OS, number of cPanel accounts, server location, server protection.
Upon request, you can access automated backups that include complete server files and a one-click restoration option for your Managed VPS server snapshots.
Managed Server
Enjoy friendly, smart assistance from our world-class Technical Support. we keep your server running & up-to-date with security patches, OS updates, and more.