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Get Started Now!WHMCS can automatically charge your customers' payment methods. This removes the need to run credit card charges manually when a customer pays for a renewal.
For more information about payment capture settings, see Automation Settings.
Configure Payment Collection Settings
To configure payment collection settings:
1. Go to Configuration > System Settings > Automation Settings.
2. Scroll to the Payment Capture Settings section (Credit Card Charging Settings in WHMCS 8.1 and earlier).
3. For Process Days Before Due, set when the system will process the payment by entering the number of days before the due date.
Enter 0
to capture payment on the invoice due date.
4. Check Attempt Only Once if you only want the system to attempt charging the customer once. If you do not check this, the system will attempt to capture payment until it succeeds (daily or weekly, depending on the Retry Every Week For setting).

5. For Retry Every Week For, enter a number that is greater than 0
to cause the system to attempt payment capture weekly for that number of weeks until it succeeds.
For example, if you enter 2
, the system will attempt capture on the due date, seven days after the due date, and one final attempt 14 days later.

Enter 0
to attempt capture every day until payment succeeds.
6. For CC Expiry Notices Date, enter the day of the month on which to send reminders to clients about upcoming credit card expirations. For example, if you enter 25 (the default value), the system will send notices on the 25th of the month whose cards expire in the next month.
When the system sends this email, it will also remove the expiring credit card from the client's records unless you check Do Not Remove CC on Expiry.
7. Check Do Not Remove CC on Expiry to keep the client's credit card information on file after its expiration date.

Enabling this will not change whether your system sends expiration notices according to your other settings.
The End! should you have any inquiries, we encourage you to reach out to the Vercaa Support Center without hesitation.